
Master’s Degree in Mathematics (MAT and MS)

Gain Advanced Skills and Licensure: Earn a Master’s in Mathematics

Find the Math Master's program that fits your needs. 我们为寻求专业执照或额外课程的中学教育教师提供晚间MAT学位,重点是教育学, 以及日间硕士学位,旨在传授高级数学训练,为博士课程或政府定量职业做准备, industry, and education.

ladbrokes立博中文版的数学硕士学位是为想要获得更多知识和技能的有抱负的教师和教育专业人士设计的, 在该领域产生更有意义的影响,并获得专业执照. In conjunction with BSU’s Department of Secondary Education and Department of Mathematics, 我们的数学硕士学位将让你接触到各种教学模式及其对学生的影响, 让你具备成为马萨诸塞州及其他地区教师领袖的专业知识.

BSU还提供数学硕士学位,将为您提供对重要数学概念的良好理解以及理解和应用数学所需的工具. Depending on your aspirations, 这个学位可以为你在数学和相关领域的博士课程或在高要求的技术部门(如保险)的职业生涯做准备, engineering, finance, and medicine. 它还可以为那些希望获得资格证的教育工作者提供服务,同时提供额外的选择,比如在两年制大学任教.

Master’s in Mathematics Program Highlights

Professor Matt Salomone showing 2 students something on a whiteboard

Learn from experts in mathematics and teaching

北京州立大学数学专业的教师拥有丰富的教学和研究经验. Our professors work in a variety of areas of pure and applied mathematics, including combinatorics, number theory, harmonic analysis, math modeling, and data science. 你将有机会加入他们的研究或追求自己的项目.

An affordable way to advance your degree

At BSU, 我们的学费是马萨诸塞州最实惠的,对州内和州外的学生来说都是一样的. 我们还为数学硕士学位的学生提供带薪研究生助理和定量研究员职位.
晚上,BSU的Dana Mohler-Faria数学和科学中心的外景照片,建筑物内外的人们

Pursue an MAT education on your schedule

MAT数学课程有多种形式——面对面和在线授课, as well as during the evenings. 你可以作为一名兼职学生完成你的学位,也可以在短短两年内完成全日制学位. 

Take coursework in a small learning environment

When comparing programs, 你将很难找到比BSU班级更小的数学硕士学位. 事实上,你很少会有超过10个研究生的班级.

A program with state-of-the-art facilities

我们所有数学课程的面对面课程都在高科技达纳·莫勒-法里亚科学和数学中心举行. 你会发现我们的研究和教学实验室都配备了尖端的学习技术.

Personalized academic guidance and career support

所有数学硕士学位的学生都有一个专门的教师顾问,他将在整个MAT教育或MS项目中与你一起工作. Your adviser will not only answer coursework questions, but they’ll also help you with internships, research projects and your career search.

Program of Study for Master’s in Mathematics

Bringing together both practice and theory, BSU的数学硕士学位让你接触到数学和数学教育的各种主题. Throughout your MAT education coursework, you will:

  • Build advanced skills and deeper knowledge in mathematics
  • Develop advocacy and leadership competencies
  • Gain a deeper understanding of instruction and assessment techniques

Unlike other master’s in mathematics programs, at BSU, you will gain a broad-based mathematics education. After taking five MAT education core courses, 你也将有机会通过代数选修课获得更多的专业知识, analysis, applied math and statistics or geometry and finite math.

Through the MS in Mathematics program you will:

  • 获得流畅的基础数学概念和抽象思维的数学核心领域.
  • 以口头和书面形式有效地沟通论点和证明.
  • Be well-trained to work in education, government, 或者是私人部门,或者是攻读纯数学或应用数学的博士学位.

Admission Requirements and Program Details


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Program details from 2023-2024 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

Graduate Program Coordinator: Dr. John Pike

“当我第一次获得数学教师资格证时,我努力寻找合适的工作. 这就是为什么我参加了北京州立大学的MAT教学项目——来提升我的简历. At BSU, 我发展并获得了成为一名优秀教师的重要技能,我很感激我的经历.”
Sean Murdoch, ’16 MAT Mathematics
Mathematics Teacher, Madison Academic Charter High School

Careers in Mathematics

BSU的MAT教学项目在马萨诸塞州获得了专业教学执照. 我们的一些毕业生继续追求教育领导和顶尖数学项目的博士学位.

数学硕士课程为学生准备了一系列的职业选择, including highly skilled positions in government, engineering, medicine, finance, insurance as well as education.

Jobs in mathematics are expected to continue to grow


——比几乎任何其他职业都要快得多.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Graduate Funding Opportunities

研究生院为研究生在攻读学位的同时获得资助提供了各种机会. 任命是竞争性的,由本科和/或研究生的平均成绩决定, pertinent experience, educational preparation and interviews. 有关助学金,奖学金和会议资金奖励的信息,请ladbrokes立博中文版我们的 Graduate Funding Opportunities page.

数学教学艺术硕士有资格获得无补贴学生贷款,并鼓励申请人完成联邦学生援助免费申请. For more specific questions, please visit the Financial Aid Office website or contact them directly at finaid@shadleysoapstone.com.

BSU Graduate Studies Overview Brochure Cover

View this PDF for an overview of the College of Graduate Studies.

Counselor Education classroom 2020


4 students sitting at desks in in a graduate class


Grad students in a classroom

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