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Gain Advanced Teaching Skills and More with a Visual 艺术 Degree at BSU

Are you a middle or high school art educator seeking professional licensure in Massachusetts? Or are you a licensed educator hoping to gain additional knowledge and a master’s degree in visual arts? If teaching art is your passion and you’d love to grow your skills, consider a master’s in visual arts education at ladbrokes立博中文版.

180多年来, ladbrokes立博中文版 has helped educators like you develop and master their teaching and art skills to grow as educators and advance their careers. If this sounds like the next step for you, our NASAD-accredited 艺术与艺术史系’s master’s in visual arts education can help you gain the 太ls to take your teaching — and your art — to the next level.


BSU student making a book while Professor Leigh Craven talks with another student


在BSU, 你将学习视觉艺术学位课程, 包括专业发展课程, in the evenings to accommodate your schedule as a working teacher. 我们也提供全日制和非全日制MAT课程选择.
a BSU student sitting at an easel painting with other students painting at easels in the background


当你在北京州立大学获得视觉艺术教育硕士学位的时候, 你将在至少一个领域发展出熟练的技术. We believe you’ll find the most success as an art educator when you have a firm understanding of creative art practices, highly developed conceptual skills — and opportunities to create your own art, 太. 当你探索个人的概念兴趣时, 你将创建一个有凝聚力的艺术作品和论文, 太.
3 students in an education class, one speaking and the others listening


通过我们的视觉艺术教育学位课程, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of 指导和评估 techniques to reach diverse learners. You’ll also develop advocacy and leadership skills you can draw on throughout your career as a teacher.

Credentials you need in a master’s degree in visual arts program

We designed our master’s in visual arts education program to meet the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s criteria for professional state licensure regulations. Not only does this visual arts degree program satisfy requirements for teacher licensure, but it provides you with the academic background you’ll need to pursue further graduate study, 太.


同时攻读视觉艺术教育硕士学位, you’ll take courses with only a handful of other graduate students. This provides you with a personalized learning experience and opportunities to work side-by-side with peers and instructors in a collegial and supportive atmosphere as you earn your art education degree.


向有才能、敬业、多元的人学习 教员 who create a dynamic and inspiring learning environment in our visual arts degree program. Your instructors also hold advanced degrees and have extensive teaching and 研究 experience they bring to bear in the classroom.


在BSU, our mission is to give our master’s in visual arts education students like you the rigorous and comprehensive education and training you need to become a successful artist-teacher.

Our content-based visual arts education degree courses integrate theory and practice to give you a solid foundation in art and art history and help you advance your pedagogical skills, 太.

You’ll take core courses in leadership, 研究, 指导和评估, 还有艺术史和工作室艺术课程. 你还可以:

  • 学习基础和课程概念
  • 探索关键的社会文化, political and economic issues contemporary educators and society face


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项目协调人: Lovera艾米


Our visual arts education degree program will help you gain and master advanced teaching and leadership skills, 加深对视觉艺术的了解, and help you acquire your professional licensure to teach visual arts in PreK–12 environments in Massachusetts.

You can also apply what you learn throughout this MAT program to other careers outside of the classroom, 如:

  • 博物馆教育
  • 课程开发
  • 教育咨询
  • 社区艺术

Secondary school teachers with master’s degrees can earn about


more than secondary school teachers with bachelor’s degrees alone, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局.


The College of 研究生学习 provides various opportunities for graduate students to receive funding while working towards their degrees. Appointments are competitive and are determined by undergraduate and/or graduate grade point averages, 相关的经验, 教育准备和面试. For information on assistantships, fellowships and conference funding awards, please visit our 研究生资助机会页面.

The Master of 艺术 in Teaching Visual 艺术 program is eligible for unsubsidized student loans and applicants are encouraged to complete the Free Application for Federal Student 援助. 有关更具体的问题,请ladbrokes立博中文版 资助办事处网站 或直接与他们联系


View this PDF for an overview of the College of 研究生学习.


Bridgewater offers competitive tuition and fees for graduate students both in and out of state.


View our graduate events page to RSVP to information sessions, workshops and seminars.


Create an account to start your application to a graduate program today!